Being aware of current world events is crucial when making the right investment decisions. Find out where to get reliable information on current market events.

In order to invest in a proper way and make right investment decisions, you should be aware of current events taking place around the world. Unfortunately, fake news is appearing more and more frequently in today’s media space. Sometimes these are purely disinformation actions, but often they are also undertaken in order to direct a specific group in a given direction, so that they can take certain actions and, as an investor, you should be especially careful about this type of fake news. 

You must remember that there are millions of entities on the market, both private and institutional. Each of them is there in order to make a profit, and some will do whatever it takes to make that profit. Combined with the right resources, this creates a dangerous precedent that aims to trigger certain market behaviors, often through emotional manipulation. In this article, we will point out reliable sources from which you can get market information, so that you do not fall victim to these unfair practices.

Financial News Outlets

There are many news platforms that are known for due diligence in financial journalism. These are huge, respected sites that offer the latest market information. The size of the company, as well as the care not to undermine the good reputation, means that the information presented by them is always checked and supported by reliable and appropriate sources. If you want to stay up to date with the most important market events, take a look at the industry-renowned companies listed below:

  • Bloomberg
  • Reuters
  • Morningstar
  • CNBC
TV stations

Despite the steadily declining popularity of traditional communication channels, such as television, it still remains a powerful source of information. Many TV stations, such as CNN, FOX or CNBC, have their own channels entirely devoted to finance and business. In addition to constantly providing the latest market news, they also have journalistic segments where you can get to know the opinions of experts of a given part of the market. Furthermore, there are many people behind the production of these channels to ensure that the information provided is as reliable as possible.

Brokerage companies

There are brokerage companies on the market that present, comment and analyze current world events as part of their business activities. The business profile of such companies means that the information they presented must be as unbiased as possible. In addition, legitimate brokers are subject to state supervisory authorities, which oversee the accuracy of the information presented.

Direct sources of information

If you are looking for economic data, without any comments, published periodically, like: GDP (Gross Domestic Product), CPI (Consumer Price Index) NFP (Non Farm Payrolls), reference rates etc., you can find them directly at the source – on websites published by government institutions. This is where all newspapers, television and other institutions get their information from.

Below is a list of authorities that publish the above-mentioned indicators:

  • The Bureau of Economic Analysis – GDP
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics – CPI and NFP
  • Federal Reserve – reference rates

* Institutions listed above refer only to the US market, however, their counterparts exist in every country.

These sites are also the ultimate “checker” of the reliability of the information shared across all other news sources, and following them gives you a full perspective of the market news currently available.

Social media and “financial influencers” – be especially careful about them!

A lot of social media pages, blogs, forums etc. about finance can be found on the Internet. However, you should be particularly careful about the information they present. Due to lack of any “control”, these sites spread fake news very often, as they may have interest in making something sound in a particular way. Also people active on social media or forums may have their own goals that are unknown to you. What’s more, they may be using their followers to profit at their expense. For example, hyping certain stocks or crypto-assets might be the signal that you might fall victim to the pump and dump scheme. 


What are the risks of using unverified market information?
The most dangerous consequence of not verifying the market information you receive is the complete loss of your funds. This may occur as a result of being manipulated by fraudsters who encourage you to invest in specific stocks or cryptocurrencies.

What are the most proven sources of market information?
Services and portals that are widely recognized as reliable and have a proven position on the market include Bloomberg, Reuters, Morningstar or CNBC.

What other information might be useful to investors?
Information that can help investors make decisions is also published periodically, such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product), CPI (Consumer Price Index), NFP (Non-Farm Payroll) or reference rates.

What sources of information should you watch out for?
Sources that may potentially contain harmful information include online social groups, blogs or forums. They are not sources supervised by institutions with which international portals, television stations or brokerage houses cooperate.